Online Yellow Belt course

  • Learn about the Lean Six Sigma mindset of continuous process improvement

  • Covers a thorough overview of the methodology

  • Yellow Belt certification in 8-12 hours

  • Learn where and whenever you like

Lean Six Sigma essentials

The world around you is constantly changing. The most important driver is technology. As Darwin stated so many years ago: ”Adaptation is the key to the survival of a species.” The need to continuously adapt to your ever-changing environment is nothing else than the need to continuously improve the way you do things. Continuous Improvement of the way you work requires a mindset. You question the way things are done and want to learn from your mistakes. 

The mindset alone is not enough to successfully improve the way you work. You will require a structure. Without this structure, you will probably end up in a firefighting mode, putting out the fire, but never ‘extinguishing’ the root cause.

This structure is provided by Lean Six Sigma. This Online Yellow Belt course is the ideal starting point to learn more about Lean Six Sigma. 

Yellow Belt certification

Lean Six Sigma is a well-proven methodology with a step-by-step and data driven approach. During this course, you will learn how Lean Six Sigma works in practice. In 22 lessons covering around 12 hours the subject matter is explained in videos, text, quizzes and visuals.

The Online Yellow Belt course ends with an exam. And as a certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, you will be able to provide a valuable contribution to Continuous Improvement initiatives using Lean Six Sigma.

The Online Yellow Belt course is also an ideal preparation if you want to take it to the next level. Certification as a Lean Practitioner, Green Belt or Black Belt.

If you would opt for one of our classroom courses, you would also have the advantage of getting to know the Master Black Belt and his train of thought.

Online Yellow Belt course

The best first step you can take into the world of Lean Six Sigma

Add to cart for only €299

Practical Information

Taking both ISO13053 and ISO18404 Body of Knowledge as a starting point, the subject matter has been translated in E-learning content using the taxonomy of Bloom (focusing on the knowledge levels: Remember, Understand and Apply), ensuring this Online Yellow Belt course meets international standards.

The online Yellow Belt course has 22 lessons. Total learning time is approximately 8 to 12 hours. An important advantage of this online Yellow Belt course is that lessons can be followed at your own convenience. Once you have started, you can always logout and login again when you have time to resume the Online Yellow Belt course.

Module 1: Introduction to Lean Six Sigma

Lesson 1: Continuous Improvement
Lesson 2: The History of Lean Six Sigma
Lesson 3: Customer focus

Module 2: Lean Six Sigma - An overview

Lesson 4: Process Improvement method
Lesson 5: Business Improvement approach
Lesson 6: Mindset and Culture
Lesson 7: Toolset
Lesson 8: DMAIC and Womack
Lesson 9: The Lean Six Sigma Organization
Lesson 10: The Yellow Belt

Module 3: Main principles and metrics

Lesson 11: Value and Waste
Lesson 12: Variation and Defects
Lesson 13: Process Speed: Flow, Push and Pull
Lesson 14: Lean Metrics
Lesson 15: Six Sigma metrics
Lesson 16: Problem Solving Strategy Y=f(x)


Module 4: Managing Lean Six Sigma

Lesson 17: Group Dynamics and Leadership in LSS Projects
Lesson 18: Change Management
Lesson 19: Getting started with a Lean Six Sigma project
Lesson 20: Implementing Lean Six Sigma
Lesson 21: Sustaining Lean Six Sigma
Lesson 22: Lean Six Sigma Today and Tomorrow


Module 3: Lean Six Sigma definitions

Digital Exam
After completing the lessons in this online course you will gain access to the digital exam.

Exam details
This exam has no time limit, can be resit three times and contains roughly 40 questions.

Included in price
There are no extra costs attached to taking the exam. It is part of the course.

Upon successful completion of this online course you will be awarded with an official certificate from The Lean Six Sigma Company.

3.408,39 SEK

Including VAT


This includes:

  • 2 re-exams

  • Yellow Belt certification

  • 2 years access to the course content

Sign up for the course

  • Only €299

  • International accredited certification by The Lean Six Sigma Company

  • Created by a Master Black Belt

  • Online course, Mobile and Tablet proof

  • Every lesson has a video, practical examples and a quiz

Add to cart for only €299